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Pokemon Xd walk through Battle Tower

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Pokemon Xd walk through Battle Tower Empty Pokemon Xd walk through Battle Tower

Post by Admin 06/03/08, 08:48 pm

Source: www.faqs.ign.com

| Wingull | WTR / FLY | L9 |
| Casual Dude Cridel ( $ 200 |
| Corphish | WTR | L9 |
| Swablu | NRM / FLY | L10 |
| Cooltrainer Bardo ( $ 300 |
| Doduo | NRM / FLY | L10 |
| Spoink | PSY | L10 |

When you arrive at Mt. Battle, the man in red that you saw with Verich earlier
will greet you, and tell you that he did a lot of training here. What an odd
one he is. It would've been nice if he gave you his name, but oh well. You'll
see him later, don't worry.

Now, there are a few points of interest at Mt. Battle. There's the old man on
a bench called the Move Deleter, that will let you delete one of your
Pokemon's Moves. There aren't too many reasons you'll want to do this, but
just in case you feel the need, be sure to talk to him about it. He'll delete
Moves free of charge.

Below him you'll find the Move Teacher, who will let your Pokemon relearn any
Move that your Pokemon forgot. The Move Teacher is useful if you accidently
got rid of an important Move on one of your Pokemon. He charges 1,000 Poke
Coupons for his services, and at this point of the game, you won't have any,
so just let him be for now and keep him in mind for later use.

Talk to the lady near the door, and she'll tell you that Vander is currently
in a training session with some new trainers, teaching them the ropes. She'll
let you go through to find him.

You'll have to battle through two trainers before you'll see Vander, though.
Neither of them are very difficult, fortunately. When you arrive on Zone 3,
Vander will greet you, and ask that you fight a trainer that he's currently
teaching. After you beat him, Vander will tell you about a Lab Facility to the
south that was used by Cipher a long time ago during the previous Shadow
Pokemon incident, and that he's seen suspicious activity around there

Sounds like a good place to check out! As you leave Mt. Battle, you'll receive
an e-mail telling you that you'll be able to buy Poke Balls from the Agate
Village Poke Mart. Now would be a good time to spend some of your Poke
Dollars, and buy about 20 or so Poke Balls. There are almost a dozen Shadow
Pokemon to Snag at the upcoming Lab, so you'll want to have plenty at your
disposal. 2 or 3 Antidotes and Parlyz Heals may also come in handy, and buying
a few Super Potions would be a good move as well.

Well, it seems pretty obvious that this is where Professor Krane must be,
seeing as the vehicle that was used to kidnap him is parked right outisde.
When you approach the building, 6 colorful Cipher Peons that call themselves
the Hexagon Brothers will emerge from the door. Their speeches are very
comical, and you'll be sure to laugh at them. Comic relief is a good thing!
Anyway, you'll have to fight one of them in order to enter the building,
although since all 6 have a powerful Shadow Pokemon for you to snag, it's
recommended that you fight all 6 of them. If you miss Snagging their Shadow
Pokemon, don't worry, because they will challenge you for a rematch after
you've done some exploring in the depths of the Lab. (If you need to heal
between fights, just step right inside of the door to find a Healing Machine
and PC.)

When you're done with the Hexagon Brothers, it's time to enter the Cipher Lab!
Go inside of the door to find a Healing Machine and PC that you can use. Be
sure to remember to come back here often, and try to remember the way to get
back, because it's important to heal your Pokemon after every few fights to
make sure they don't get Knocked Out! The Cipher Peons and R&Ds use Pokemon
from Level 13 to Level 17, some of which will be able to inflict a good amount
of damage on you.

To get through the Lab with as little side-tracking as possible, follow these
directions: From the entrance, head up to the elevator and go down a floor.
Head east, go through the door, and then go down the elevator to the second
basement. Fight against the Cipher Peon and R&D down here (you can Snag a
Spinarak from the Peon), then go up the stairs. Go through the gate, and
you'll see Professor Krane and Lovrina talking about her XD001, and asking for
information on Shadow Pokemon and Purifying them. Continue heading south,
Snagging a Numel from one of the Peons along the way, then take the elevator
to go back to the second basement. Note: From here, if you're getting
weakened, take the elevator on the right to find another Healing Machine. Head
west, then south, then west again until you find another elevator. Take it, and
then follow the path, heading north whenever possible, and Snagging the
Carvanha from a Peon. Inside the lounge, you'll have to fight another Cipher
R&D. He has a Shadow Shroomish that you can Snag if you want. After beating
him, he'll drop the ID Card. Walk through the one-way door to the north, and
you'll be close to where you started. Now's a good time to take the northern
elevator to return to the first Healing Machine. When you're ready, head west
and go down the previously locked elevator. Take the stairs to the east, and
you'll finally find Professor Krane and his captor, Naps!

Naps has some fairly powerful Pokemon this time around. Don't use Thundershock
or any Electric-type attacks on the Murkrow until you Knock Out the Rhyhorn
first, because it has Lightningrod which will cancel out any Electric-type
attacks. Spheal's Aurora Beam works nicely against Murkrow if Spheal can use
the attack, and any Water-type or Grass-type attack will bring Rhyhorn down in
an instant. Slakoth is just a pushover, but it can Yawn to put your Pokemon to
sleep. Beldum can be difficult to hit, although any Fire-type attacks will
take it down with little trouble. If you don't have any Fire-type attacks at
your disposal, your Eevee's (or whatever it is now) Bite attack will get
around Beldum's heavy Resistances.

After beating Naps, you'll have to escort the Professor out of the building.
Make your way back to the entrance, although make sure that your Pokemon are
in good condition, because you'll have a tough fight ahead! If you need to use
a Healing Machine to heal your Pokemon, don't count on using the one at the
entrance, because you'll get ambushed before you reach there. Right before the
first elevator in the building, you'll be attacked by the Cipher Admin Lovrina!
She insists that the Professor stays and helps her with XD001. She also says
that XD001 is just the first of the new Shadow Pokemon that can't become
/ BOSS BATTLE \______________,------.
| Cipher Admin Lovrina ( $2100 |

Lovrina has a very interesting mix of Pokemon in her arsenal. The first two
you'll have to fight are Luvdisc and Beautifly. Luvdisc will go down after 1
or 2 hits from Mareep's Thundershock, and Beautifly is weak to Spheal's Aurora
Beam, any Fire-type Pokemon's Ember attack, or even Mareep's Thundershock. The
next Pokemon she sends out, Roselia, is weak to Fire and Ice, or even Baltoy's
Psybeam attack. Try not to hit it with any direct attacks (Bite, Tackle, Shadow
Blitz, etc), because otherwise Roselia's Poison Point Ability might Poison the
Pokemon. Her last Pokemon can easily be her most deadly: a Shadow Delcatty!
The Shadow Delcatty has Shadow Rush, which is a powerful Shadow attack, and
Shadow Wave, which hits both of your Pokemon. Try to Paralyze it if you can,
and weaken it to under 40% of it's HP before trying to Snag it if you want a
chance at it. Be sure to use Super Potions and Antidotes when you need to!

After beating Lovrina, she'll run off, and you'll be able to take the
Professor back to the HQ.
| | s4.2. Up to Snattle | |
[_| s4.2.1. Pokemon HQ Lab |_________________________________________________]

When you return to the Lab, Lily and the rest will have completed the Purify
Chamber, which was a project that Professor Krane and your father were working
on 5 years ago. The Purify Chamber is incredibly useful for purifying your
Pokemon if you know how to use it properly.

Basically, you can put a Shadow Pokemon in the middle of a "Set". Then, you
can place normal Pokemon around the Pokemon. If you place them in the right
order, the Shadow Pokemon will be purified much faster. Ideally, you want to
have it so, going clockwise, each Pokemon's type (if it has two, just one of
them) beats the following Pokemon's type. Like, if you have a Treecko on the
top (12 'o clock), a Mudkip to the right (4 o' clock), and a Torchic to the
left (8 o' clock), there would be good Tempo because Treecko's Grass-type
beats Mudkip's Water-type, Mudkip's Water-type beats Torchic's Fire-type, and
Torchic's Fire-type beats Treecko's Grass-type. It's synergies like that which
you're looking for! Also, the Shadow Pokemon's type matters a lot. If you can,
try to have it so it's type beats the Pokemon's type it's facing. Let's say
you had the three Pokemon I previously mentioned in the Set. If you needed to
purify a Pikachu, you would want it facing the Mudkip. (You can turn the
direction the Pokemon is facing by selecting Rotate.)

There's a bit more to it than that, but those are the basics. You can have
only 1 Shadow Pokemon in the middle of the Set, and up to 4 Pokemon
surrounding it. You also have 9 Sets to work with, so you can really get a lot
of purifying done!

When you're done messing around with the Purify Chamber, Lily will tell you
that Datan was checking out the Data Rom you picked up earlier, and asks that
you go see how it's coming along. Lily tells you that he's upstairs, in the
room next to Professor Krane's office. Jovi immediately beats you to the
punch, and darts off looking for him.

Head upstairs to where Lily told you, and you'll find Jovi there, who will
tell you that Datan wasn't there. Go talk to Adon, and he'll say that he say
Datan go downstairs. Proceed to go down the stairs, and talk with the lady
outside of your room, and she'll say that she saw him go outside. Silly
Datan... Head outside, and talk to the researcher out there who will tell you
that he saw him walk away from the Lab. Go down the steps, and then go right
until you find Datan.

Datan, at first mistaking you for the Professor, tells you that he couldn't
decipher it, and it would take someone much more talented to decipher it.
Professor Krane walks up and knows just who can do it. He asks you to deliver
the Data Rom to Nett at the ONBS in Pyrite Town. Nett is the right-hand man to
Secc, ONBS's leader, and will be able to decipher it. Krane gives you the
location of Pyrite Town. Now, it's time to embark to Pyrite Town!

Number of posts : 389
Registration date : 2008-02-14


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