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Moderator rules

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Moderator rules Empty Moderator rules

Post by Admin Man 809 14/04/08, 07:09 pm

Here are the rules for mods to follow...

1. Help all other users with problems if possible.
2. If a post is braking a general rule either edit it or, if the admins aprove, delete it.
3. If a person brakes a rule, warn them of banishment, and if they do it again, ask the moderator to banish them. If they get two other warnings for that rule after banishment, ask an admin to delete them.
4. All of the general rules still aply for moderators.

Pm the admins if the mods have any questions! Very Happy
Admin Man 809
Admin Man 809

Number of posts : 129
Registration date : 2008-02-16


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